What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery

This method of Roux-en-Y or Gastric Bypass surgery is the most common weight loss in the United States (almost 80% of all weight loss surgeries). This surgery is called bariatric procedure and is recommended for patients who have tried everything from diet, exercise, and other weight loss options that did not work them.

Gastric Bypass surgery basically consists in creating a bypass in the stomach creating a small pouch shaped stomach with staples. Malabsorption procedure is considered (there is reduced absorption of calories and nutrients).

Unfortunately, before the gastric bypass surgery is recommended patients may suffer from severe health problems, such as Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, severe sleep apnea, reflux, stroke among other health problems.

Gastric bypass surgery is recommended for patients with a body mass index above 40 BMI.

See more info. at:  www.gastricsleevesurgery4u.com

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