Health effects of Obesity?

Gastric Sleeve SurgeryThe terms “overweight” and “obesity” refer to a higher body weight than is considered healthy for a certain height.

The most useful measure of overweight and obesity is the body mass index (BMI). The BMI is calculated based on height and weight of an individual. Continue reading

Is there a possibility to gain weight after having weight loss surgery…

Rebound effect after Bariatric Surgery

Rebound after Bariatric Surgery

If you are about to make the decision of having a bariatric surgery to lose weight, you might wonder if there may be the possibility of getting fat again or suffering the rebound effect after such surgery.
When you undergo bariatric surgery there are many questions that may arise and is good to try to answer all of them before you undergo this surgery, to reduce uncertainty and better accept the surgery, knowing what you can expect. Continue reading