How to control the urge to eat?

How to control my urge to ezt

Control your urge to eat

Control of food anxiety

When you want to lose weight, the most important thing is to control anxiety food, because as you well know, is one of the reasons that drive you to eat more and worse. Thus, not only you do not lose weight, but probably you increase. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to control the urge to eat, so that does not happen. Continue reading

What is Bariatric Surgery?

what is bariatric surgery?

bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery refers to a set of operations to lose weight, designed for people with obesity or morbid obesity who has failed to lose weight with diet, exercise or medication, and wish to achieve an ideal weight for health reasons.

These technically complex procedures are not free of complications in the short or medium term and they may also present mortality.

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How can I get Obesity Help?

The best Obesity Help

How to get obesity help?

What is the Problem with my obesity?

According to the American Obesity Association, this causes at least three hundred thousand deaths each year in the United States and one hundred billion dollars in medical costs. Developed countries and those countries that are industrialized world have an increasing rate of obesity in the population, due to eating patterns and unhealthy life styles.

In its simplest form, obesity is excess body fat. Finding Obesity help is very important because obesity is associated with more than thirty medical problems.

Many people are seeking obesity help, but they are only bombarded with fad diets, unwanted advice and judgment of others. It’s obvious why so many people are seeking for help. 

What Can I do to get obesity help?

You should start by talking to your doctor or you can contact me, Im Dr. Daniel Huacuz, I will help you; my areas of expertise include Weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) it is the only option today that effectively treats morbid obesity in people for whom more conservative measures such as diet, exercise and medication have failed.

That surgeries

Potential candidates for surgey include:

  • People with a BMI greater than 40
  • Men who are 100 pounds over their ideal body weight or women who are 80 pounds over their ideal body weight
  • Persons with a BMI between 35 and 40 who have another condition such as obesity-related Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea or heart disease.

Bariatric Surgery is not only beneficial to your obesity problem, it will help you loss weight and will give you a longer healthier life.

Click on the following link to contact us or get more info.:

Is it necessary to exercise before and after bariatric surgery?

Exercise before and after weight loss surgery

Exercise for weight loss and be healthy

Physical activity as a supplement for weight-loss surgery

If you are thinking in Bariatric Surgery as a Weight loss solution, maybe you will ask to your self is its necessary to exercise before and after this surgery, as a complement for this procedure.

Many may believe that weight loss surgery alone may be enough to solve the problem of overweight, but it is necessary to make a comprehensive treatment for the full potential of these surgeries. For this it is important to answer all the questions and whether or not physical activity serves as a complement to such surgery. Continue reading