Juices that heal for before and after your Gastric Sleeve Surgery

When you are thinking about having Gastric Sleeve Surgery or another surgey is necessary to take into account the nutrients that allow your body to recover faster.

Please find below are some recipes for healing juices that are designed to prevent infections by strengthening your immune system and provide the body with the nutrients it needs to rebuild the damaged tissue.

We suggest you start taking these juices at least 15 days before the operation to strengthen your body and after surgery, when you are in recovery, they can also be ingested.

These are the ingredients you need to make them:

  • Pineapple: This fruit contains the bromelain enzyme, which helps reduce edema or swelling anywhere in the body after an operation.
  • Strawberry and citrus fruits: They are rich in vitamin C which promotes the formation of new tissue.
  • Turnip greens, broccoli and lettuce: They are rich in vitamin K is needed for proper blood clotting.
  • Carrot: Carrot is one of the richest in beta carotene and pro-vitamin A, ideal for the eyes and skin, but also with many other nutrients and food properties.
  • Parsley, beets and raisins: These foods are a good source of iron which strengthens the immune system.
  • Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It can be eaten generously after surgery, but before the intervention, should be eaten in moderation because it is a natural blood thinner which may contribute to increase bleeding.
  • Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, but as in the previous case of garlic before surgery should be consumed in small quantities, since, by thinning the blood, can lead to increased bleeding what does not suit in an operation.
  • Proteins: should be consumed before and after surgery, as it is the fundamental component of the cells.

Juice No. 1 for before surgery:


  • 2 turnips
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 carrots


Wash these ingredients very well. Peel and chop the carrots and turnips. Put all ingredients in the blender with a little water. Blend briefly. Drink a glass daily 8 days before surgery.

Juice No. 2 for before surgery:


  • 1/2 orange
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 2 big kiwis


Wash the ingredients very well. Peel and chop the kiwis. Then extract the juice from citrus fruit and put it in the blender with the kiwis and blend with a little water for a few moments. Strain and drink a glass daily.


Juice No. 3 for before surgery:


  • 8 green grapes (large)
  • 2 tablespoons raisins


Wash and remove the seeds and place the grapes in a blender and add a cup of water and raisins. Blend briefly. Take this juice once a day or you can also divide into two doses a day.


Juice No. 4 for after surgery:


  • 1 slice pineapple (shelled).
  • Slice of ginger 1/ 4 inch
  • 1 piece (no seeds).
  • 1/2 cup of water


Peel and cut up the pineapple and apple. Place these ingredients along with ginger and water in blender. Blend briefly and if it is too thick, you can add more water. Drink a glass of this juice daily.

When you have had dental surgery, you can place the same juice in a paper cup with a wooden stick in the middle and freeze. Remove the paper cup and consume as a Popsicle.


Juice No 5 for after surgery:


  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 3 carrots


Flush with water parsley and carrots. Chop the carrot and garlic and place in a blender along with the parsley. Drink a glass of this juice daily after the operation.

See more info. at:  www.gastricsleevesurgery4u.com

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